Sunday, April 26, 2015

Organizing and Focusing

The last few days I have mostly been focusing on getting things organized so I can make the official layout of my plot. With how scattered everything is it's probably a good thing I didn't push myself to participate in Camp NaNo this time. I have lots of ideas written down and even a little fleshed out, but haven't ever finished writing each scene name/idea into an outline. So that is where I am planning to put my energy. I have been entering stuff (scene names and descriptions, characters, items, settings and plot lines) into Hiveword and I didn't realize how many characters I planned on having in my novel.

ROW80 Rundown:

1. Write at least 500 words per day on plotting or blogging.
Thursday: I wrote 631 words in Hiveword describing/plotting a scene.
Friday: Not sure exactly how many words I added because I was adding characters and items to be used in scenes.
Saturday: I was feeling really sick so didn't do much except read and sleep.
Sunday: 397 words on this post.

2. Check out at least 3 A to Z posts per day.
I made it to 6 so far, but there is still time left in the day for today's visits. So much interesting stuff out there to read.

3. Check out at least 5 posts from each new ROW80 linky before the next one comes out.
I did this on Thursday and Friday. Yay for making a goal!

4. Use Twitter at least once per day.
I have no idea what the heck I'm doing with the Twitter thing. I have basically been ignoring it. I really like Twitter and am not sure why I have been not even looking at it. I will have to try harder.

5. Post on my author Facebook page at least 2 times per week.
I am back to just posting check-ins and am on track with this goal.

6. Read 5 books in round 2.
I'm reading my new book, The Wahls Protocol by Terry Wahls, M.D. This is the first nonfiction and not funny book I have read in a while. The information is interesting, but her writing style is repetitive. If I wanted to read the same thing 10 times I would reread the chapter.

Photos by Pixabay.

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