Sunday, March 22, 2015

Camping and Copper Boom

The other day I realized that I must be a masochist. Why you ask. Well not only am I signed up for the Blogging From A to Z Challenge, but my friends over at Lake Writers were signing up for Camp NaNo and I just had to do join as well. They even have private cabins this year so we can all camp together without spending 45 min requesting each other as cabinmates and all pressing submit at the same time. Yes, this actually happened last year. I am going to work on The Most Magical Place for Camp NaNo so I am not adding another thing to my plate, but I am using the traditional NaNo pace. That is 1,667 words per day just on the story. It will be significantly more words, 1,167 to be exact, than I have been trying to turn out on a daily basis, but like I said I obviously like to make things harder for myself and probably for others. Our ring leader said I thrive on chaos. Are you doing Camp Nanp, too? Want to be my friend? You can find me there as Ink Dipped Moon. Come join me I would love to watch your progress and help cheer you on!

I am taking too long to write this post and kinda whining about not being sure what should go in this paragraph, but knowing I would like to make the post longer. My daughter responded to my whining with, "Cooper boom!" I was all like why did you say that? She gave me a look that clearly communicated I was growing senile in my old age and very slowly said, "From Gilmore Girls." Then I heard the clunk as my brain fell into place. The only thing you can say in that situation is clearly oy with the poodles already. I bet you thought I was going to say copper boom.

ROW80 Rundown:

1. Write 500 words per day on any project.
Thursday: 750 words on The Most Magical Place.
Friday: 659 words getting ready for the Blogging From A to Z Challenge, I am number 553 and darn proud of it, not sure why, but proud all the same. There is still time to join us! Theme reveal day is tomorrow, but you don't have to make a special theme. I am just going to keep the rules of my blog the same and post about writing. At the time of this posting there are 1121 people signed up.
Saturday: Yea, I am not sure what I did all day. Mostly I snuggled my kids because we were feeling under the weather.
Sunday: 747 on this post and it's still early, but I keep looking at the clock and loosing time. If you have a blog how long does it take you to create a post from start to publish? I think I have spent 4 hours today.

2. Blog at least every Wednesday and Sunday.
Still chugging along.

3. Check out at least 10 posts from each new ROW80 linky before the next one comes out.
Damn, I still didn't make it to 10 I only got to 5 and I did 4 on Wednesday. So I was seriously slacking.

4. Use Twitter at least once per day.
Missed Saturday, but I didn't remember and I had to go check. Now I am a little worried about what I may have been up to yesterday. Must think harder...
Candidate for a Pullet Surprise
By Mark Eckman & Jerrold H. Zar
First 2 verses only

5. Post on my author Facebook page at least 2 times per week.
I did this and ended up fighting with Facebook. Seriously, how many times are you going to ask me to verify I'm a human and not spreading viruses? I didn't used to have any problems, but lately when I post my shrunken link, or any link for that matter, Facebook is accusing me of malicious activities. Also, apparently when I am mad I make a billion typos. I just had a giant red snake over most of the paragraph. Spell check is my friend.

6. Read 1 book per week.
This is just not going to happen. I need to make this a more realistic goal, but I also need to dedicate more time to reading because it makes me happy. I definitely will adjust this for the next round.

Photos from Pixabay


  1. :) Don't worry we'll keep each other sane in April! I totally thrive on the chaos too LOL It's going to be zany but fun! Next round my goals are getting a shake up too. Here's to getting it all in! Copper Boom! :)

    1. So much YES! I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Copper Boom!

  2. I'll probably end up doing Camp Nano, but at a much slower pace as I have a few projects already in progress.

    It takes me probably about half hour to post a blog post.

    Looks like you've been doing well with the writing portion. Sometimes that's the hardest!

    1. WOW! It only takes you half an hour to put out a blog post. I can't even find the pictures that fast. Good luck on Camp NaNo and your other projects.

  3. I'm just glad I'm not the only one whose mind works like this. Best wishes with Camp NaNo. I'm sure that you and your cabin will all rock!

    1. Thanks for the kind words. It is always nice to find another person who shares one of your quirks.

  4. Okay, I did it! I joined Camp NaNo! See what happens when I hang around with "writing-challenge junkies" (my Mama warned me)? :)

    I posted a Camper Profile link on my blog if you want to follow me. Or you can just search "John DeVoist" on the Camp NaNo site. I could definitely use the encouragement next month. I'll support you as well...

    1. OK, so after looking over the site for like 30 min I realized that they don't have buddies for Camp NaNo, but I added you on the regular NaNo site and we can cheer each other on anyway! Good luck! Also, your profile pic is both awesome and really creepy.

    2. I joined your cabin, so that's even better than a buddy lists. I'm glad you like my profile pic, I've been working on it for the past few hours in photoshop. Awesome and creepy is what "sword & sorcery" is all about. See ya around the campfire...

  5. I tried Camp Nano last year and alas, I did not have the time to finish. I am doing A to Z though!! :-)

    1. Yay! A to Z is going to be so much fun. Good luck!

  6. Oh my! You are going to need a lot of copper boom!

    I love the Gilmore Girls. You've made me want to pull the DVDs out again and I should be editing... Naughty, naughty me.

    Best of luck, I hope you produce many, awesome words which need little editing.

    1. Cate, those may be some of the kindest words that have ever been said to me. I also had the desire to pull them back out again. I just re-completed my set. Apparently if your kids put them on the floor and skate on them they don't work afterwords. Who knew?
