Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Officially Behind and Panicky

I am officially behind. I now need at least 850 words to make it across the Camp NaNo finish line. At this moment I can tell you I truly have no idea what I am doing. I am kind of stuck. I could probably make it though or just move on, but every time I sit down to write something or someone interrupts me. Not things I can just ignore, but stuff that if you try to ignore it gets much louder and much more stressful. I can't go somewhere else and there is no where in the house that is safe. I am not getting enough sleep and my concentration is waning. I feel unbelievably overwhelmed and like there is no point in trying because it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen while my son is in the house or at least younger. I don't want to quit another thing, but there just doesn't seem to be space in my life for all the commitments I already have and of course I am the one whose dreams have to go on hold.

ROW80 July Goals Rundown

1. Write at least 800 words per day on my Camp NaNo novel The Most Magical Place.
I don't think I wrote anything since the last check in, but I had been up until 5 am trying to get some done and have to be up no later than 10 so the days have all begun to run together.

2. Post for every ROW80 check-in.
So far so good, but each check-in makes me feel more sad and panicky.

3. Spend 1 Pom per day visiting ROW80 friends.
I visited like 2 people. This is one thing I am sorry I didn't make it to. I really enjoy seeing what my ROW80 friends are doing. I kept clicking on a link and falling asleep, which often results in being smacked in the face by my phone...REPEATEDLY.

4. Post to Twitter every day.
Strangely enough for the past few days I have been doing this. I have no idea why because I didn't set the alarm I was going to. I guess just interesting stuff crossing my feed and I can retweet quickly.

Photos by Pixabay.


  1. It's called LIFE - hits us all sometime or other - your dreams on hold - yup - however they are on hold not banished - Camp nano while a worthy goal is not going to bite you on the nose if you don't finish it - like ROW80 'tis a goal only - no prison if you don't!:) so be kind to yourself - after a while they just won't believe it's the phone smacking you in the face!! - rest, relax, enjoy your time with your son - the years go by very fast - carve our smaller snatches of time while life is so busy - burn out is real - too much stress is bad for your health. if you need deadlines and goals lower the bar and begin achieving them along side enjoying your boy - again take care and all the best:)

    1. Thank you for your kind words. The other day I did hit my self with the phone so hard that it left a bruise. That was when I decided it was time for bed. You are right he will be all grown up in no time.

  2. Just like Alberta said - stop beating yourself up! First of all, get some sleep! Spend time with your son, relax, do absolutely nothing. The muse will return, you will once again find time and inspiration, but not right now. We've all had to put our dreams on hold, but they will patiently wait for you. Go and just enjoy the day!

  3. As the others have mentioned, don't get sad and panicky, etc! Remember, the idea of ROW80 is to write, but also have a life, ya know? If you don't hit every goal on time and as scheduled...that's OKAY! Just tweak 'em where you need to! I do that all the time. Same with posting...if you don't get two check ins in every week, maybe reconsider only posting once. If that works better for you and what you have going on, that's fine. I didn't post Sunday--I was in a pool visiting with family. And as much as I love ROW80 and love to write, being with the people I love was way more important.

    So don't fret. We're here for you. Just be kind to yourself and think happy thoughts. :D

    1. Ok now I want to go swimming. Thanks for the kind words.

  4. My favorite ways to add to a word count:

    1) Pretend all your characters are Canadian and say "eh?" at the end of every sentence.

    2) Make sure every verb has an adverb.

    3) Randomly insert the word "really" wherever necessary. It also works as an interrogative.

    1. Love these ideas. I have worked hard to not use the word really unless it's something someone would say, though.

  5. Hello! This is my first time participating in ROW80, but no stranger to word count goals or NaNoWriMo. Reading through your comments, it seems like you have some incredible friends :)

    1. Welcome to ROW80. The people gathered in this community are among some of the finest people I've come across. They are amazingly friendly and supportive. I'm glad you are here.

  6. Hugs on the interruptions. I've had several days of that. Don't give up and don't beat yourself up! Things happen.

    As for Camp Nano...if it's stressing you out, maybe you should lower your goal (I think it may be too late to do that officially -- I just tried myself) but unofficially to take some of the pressure off. There's no shame in that. Sometimes, the timing's off or things can't be avoided. Just keep moving forward in any way you can.;)

    1. I was thinking that it would be easier in July because Thanksgiving and the Renaissance Faire are not included. However, I need to plan our curriculum for next school year. I totally should have done that in June, but hind sight is always 20/20. Not sure what will happen at this point, but going to keep trying and see how far I get.

  7. It can be hard if children are small. I have notebooks from my childrens' younger years, where the pen color and handwriting quality change every couple of lines, because that's all I could do between interruptions! As far as actually sitting down to type anything - that wasn't happening until they were about 8 and 5.

    It might help to consider every single word one to the good, and worthy of a pat on the back.

    It might also help to know that kids do get older, and that often means that it gets easier to write....

    Take a vacation if it helps, but please don't give up on writing! The world needs your voice!

  8. Don't give up! You need something that is YOURS. You give and do for everyone in your life but you need something for you too! So deep breath and keep on writing woman we need your story! :)

    1. Thank you so much for saying this. I know you know how hard it is trying to write or do pretty much anything for yourself and homeschool.

  9. Life is tricky and yes, sometimes it seems rather crazy and sometimes unfair. But it is not. Also, don't beat yourself up. It only hurts. Take a deep breath, maybe walk away from the computer. But, don't ever give up! Sometimes maybe you have to take a break, or shift your focus. Nobody in this group and your other writer group will ever say that it's been easy, this writer life (i'm sure some people can back me up on this). Heck, you've seen me get frustrated at myself for not achieving my goals. It is hard some days to find the words, or the time. But then you have a good day and write something amazing. Those are the days when you just know you are a writer. Keep trying! Don't give up! I believe in you and will not let you fall!!

    ~BIG Dragon HUGS~

    1. You are so kind and I am truly glad I have met you. You inspire me when I read your posts and then come here and remind me to breath and keep going. Thanks for that.
