Sunday, May 31, 2015

Brought to You by the Letter N

Today I would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to Nope Cat. This check-in is brought to you by Nope Cat. Doesn't that bring back the warm fuzzies like you are watching Sesame Street? No? Well fine then. We move on to why Nope Cat is my new mascot.

ROW80 Rundown:

1. Spend 2 poms on plotting using Hiveword.
Nope, didn't get this done. Not even ONCE since Wednesday.

2. Spend 2 poms on posts for this blog.
More nope! I am sure you are all surprised.

3. Spend 1 pom on social media for blog posts.
This pom is 2 outta 4. Those odds aren't even as good as Meatloaf's and that's saying something. I'm not sure what it's saying, but definitely something.

4. Spend 1 pom on visiting other ROW80 bloggers.
I was able to do this and I am glad I was. I love seeing how the productive people live as I lay about eating bonbons and watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix.

In closing I believe I may need a swift kick in the ass. Figuratively or maybe literally. I am so disgusted with today already I am turning the calendar page and pretending today is a figment of my imagination. 

PS: Please leave me a comment and tell me who the mascot for your most recent post is, but also make sure to let me know where you are visiting from so I can follow you back. 

Photos by Pixabay.


  1. Poor nope cat. Sometimes it doesn't get what it wants but life is nutty like that. It's a new week. Hopefully you can give that nope cat some catnip and have a better week.

  2. The picture of Nope Cat made me laugh out loud! Some weeks are just like that. But I do think that Nope Cat is better than Hairball Puking Cat. You gotta always look on the bright side! Here's to next week being an Overachieving Beaver week!

  3. Here's the difference between dogs and cats:
    Dogs have masters
    Cats have servants

    1. OK, so I was trying to respond to this comment with a hilarious meme, but I can't figure out how to add an image to the comments. Click here to see the meme. Also, if anyone knows how to make the images in the comment section thing work PLEASE let me know.

  4. Sometimes, we just don't. I've had weeks like that. My reading has been like that. But, it happens and there's nothing bad to feel about. Usually we need the time off.

    The recent mascot for my blog post has to be the lady at the Chinese drive thru in the movie DUDE, WHERE'S MY CAR? "And then..." Because I was working on goals I added, and then a project I added, and then on that very check-in day I added another project. I just keep adding stuff to do. Right now, I can manage it, but I fear it ending in tears sometime soon.

    1. I haven't seen that movie in what seems like a lifetime ago. Don't let her win.

  5. Got a chuckle from the pix and your post. I've had a lot of those nope cats lately. But today being Jun.1 I said enough and decided to just put butt in chair and work. It actually helped. But I also think I needed that down time to know what I really wanted - to write. All the best this month as we wind down this round.

    1. Put butt in chair and work! That is what I'm going to do now.
