Friday, April 10, 2015

I is for Inspiration

Or perhaps a lack there of. I have no inspiration for my 'I' post. There are a million recommendations of what to do, but I find myself balking at all of them tonight even the ones that have been useful in the past. Let's go through a list of the things I have tried or at least tried to try.

First I tried turning to Google. I often Google my topics especially when I already have one in mind and just need some help fleshing out out. There were a lot of suggestions, but not much I hadn't already come across in the course of life.

 Then I tried meditation. Well mostly relaxing and calming, but that required too much concentration. I was quickly irritated and lost interest quickly. It always seems that I could benefit most from calming meditation when I am not able to get there.

So I attempted to listen to music. It is a tried and true way to get my brain flowing. Of course I tend to listen to rock a little too loud for the late night hours in a typical home. In a reversal of rolls my 14 year old daughter came out and asked me to please keep it down. We were unsuccessful in finding my ear buds and the music had to go.

Next up was free writing. I usually do this on One Word. They give you one word and you write for 60 seconds without editing or stopping to think. Then you can read other people's and post yours. Tonight I was just trying to associate the word 'inspiration'. Let me tell you it is a bunch of gook that I don't even feel comfortable sharing to be silly.

A change of scenery is often helpful. Though the difference between the livingroom and the bedroom isn't all that inspiring. Some other people recommended that you could even change your desktop to reflect another local if you can't really get away.

Writing with pen and paper is one of my favorite things to try. Shortly after I felt like a teenager all curled up and anxty. Maybe I'm doing this one wrong. I should have taken a stab at this one before the change of scenery and lack of a table.

Concentrate on something different for a while. I took a break to watch one of my favorite shows, Charmed and that was refreshing and I felt less stress when I went back again. Unfortunately I didn't find anything other than distraction.

Make your muse jealous. After trying all the things that appeal to you here or where ever you find other ideas. If still nothing is working, just start. It will probably not be your best work, but your muse will wonder what you could possibly be up to without her. After a while she will start to push you toward more inspired work and before you know it the project will be done.

Stuff I haven't tried tonight:

Going for a walk out in nature. So many people recommend this no matter what you are trying to do. It is said to lower stress and we can all use that. I don't do this often, maybe I should consider it.

An idea book is another great tool. I used to have one that I cherished. It was lost in a move and I can still remember how sad I was the day I realized it was gone. I have started replacing it in Evernote, but the file is thin and doesn't have the same magic as a handwritten notebook.

Playing or spending time with kids. They don't even have to be yours. Some of the most creative and entertaining things I have ever heard came from my children or their friends. Of course they're all in bed while I try to write this.

Get some sleep. I mean really how often are writers sleep deprived. If you are having trouble and the things that usually get you going aren't helping,  maybe your brain is begging you for a little break and rejuvenation.

Where do you turn when your wellspring of inspiration is running dry? What tips can you offer a crazed writer? Please leave a comment and don't forget to let me know where you came from so I can follow you back.


  1. When I am stuck with the writer's block, I try all the options you mentioned to get the muse back on track, but it is a free write that works the mostest for me :)
    Co-Host AJ's wHooligan for the A to Z Challenge 2015

    1. The free writing is something I'm not that good at. Too many voices in my head telling me that what I just wrote sounds silly.

  2. Sometimes it's best to just take a break, rather than force oneself to keep writing without inspiration. After I've taken a break, I always come back with renewed vigour, momentum, inspiration, and creativity.

  3. I just stay away from writing when one of those 'blocks' come over me. But alas, it's A-Z time and you needed your post in place. I think you have done a commendable job of I for Inspiration :D

    1. Yes, there is much more of a push this month and I think I treater between crazed enthusiasm and apathy. Thanks for your kind words.

  4. Oh I have felt your pain. I know it well. All too well, truth be told. I've tried all those things and sometimes nothing clicks. And that is the most irritating of all...because not only are you struggling with a lack of inspiration but on top of that you have to deal with frustration, which turns inward and then it can all go really dark. The angst of writers block. You've described it perfectly. How cool though that in your frustration of trying to find something to write about, you've written a brilliant piece! I like it a lot.
    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. I hate when the frustration of writers block turns inward. We can all be our biggest critics and sometimes it is hard to find your way back out once you are stuck in that rut.

  5. I think I'll be feeling it when it will come to K... have no ideas whatsoever :D

    1. I resorted to reading the dictionary looking for words. I found it very boring and not that helpful, but I think my writer friends are getting tired of me pumping them for words. Good luck.

  6. I love your take on inspiration. Perhaps: "Chasing Inspiration - One Woman's Adventure." And I love that your teen had to ask you to keep it down. That's priceless.

    Right now, I need a break (slept badly/not enough last night). Commenting on blogs is just too much. So I'll get 1/2 avocado and rest. There's always tomorrow.

    Visiting from A to Z,
    Drusilla Barron

    1. Yea, my husband thought it was funny, too. I still haven't found my earbuds.

  7. Hey I enjoyed reading this beautiful post, chasing inspiration. As creative souls, we are in quest of inspiration and sometimes I just write.
    I also write on

    1. Maybe if we all chase inspiration together we will corner it. Thanks for your kind words.
